New KIIP TextbookLevel 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 +Audio

New KIIP textbooks & workbook Korea Immigration and Integration Program  (KIIP) is a FREE Korean Language Training and Understanding Korean society program for foreigners in Korea. Since 200…

A/V-더라고요 grammar = I saw/experienced that ~express speaker's recollection about past event with witness

A/V-더라고요 grammar = I directly saw/ heard/ felt/ found/ experienced that ~express speaker's recollection about past event with witness. Usage : -   Express the speaker’s recollection about past ev…

V-던데요 grammar = I saw/felt/surprised that ~express contradiction to one’s speaking or surprise to something

N/A/V-던데요 grammar = I saw/felt/surprised that ~express contradiction to one’s speaking or surprise to something Usage : - The expression -던데요 = -던- (recollection) + -(으)ㄴ데요 (background info, contrast…

Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed

Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed Usage : -  Irregular passive verbs with  (-이/히/리/기) suffix  are used to express a passive statement when the subject's action oc…

Reading Korean with culture 1-4 PDF eBook

Reading Korean with culture is a textbook series for beginner and advanced learners in reading Korean. It consists of various subjects and genres for reading Korean with culture.  The book series en…

V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form that is used with verbs without -이/히/리/기-affix

V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form used with verbs without  -이/히/리/기-affix Usage -  V-아/어지다 is used to express a passive statement when the subject's action occurs because of an action …
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